HELP! Ancestor is complete! immigrant flag male ancestor  Pierre  MIVILLE dit LESUISSE

  (b. abt. 1602 Switzerland   d. 14 October 1669 Lauzon, Lévis, Canada, New France )  

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Pierre MIVILLE dit LESUISSE was born abt. 1602 in Switzerland

Pierre MIVILLE dit LESUISSE was the child of ?   and   ?

Pierre was an immigrant to Canada, arriving by 1649.

Spouse(s)/Partner(s) and Child(ren):

Pierre  married  Charlotte MAUGIS abt. 1629 in France .  The couple had (at least) 7 children. Charlotte MAUGIS  was born abt. 1607 in Saint-Germain, Saintonge, France.  Charlotte died 11 October 1676 in Lauzon, Lévis, Québec, Canada (Saint-Joseph-de-la-Pointe-de-Lévy). 

Pierre MIVILLE dit LESUISSE died 14 October 1669 in Lauzon, Lévis, Canada, New France .

Occupation: Maitre menuisier

Born in Fribourg, Switzerland

Look for this family in Laforest Volume XXVII

Details of the family tree of Pierre appear below.

Did You Know? Québec Généalogie - Over time, Québec has gone through a series of name changes
From its inception in the early 1600s until 1760, it was called Canada, New France.
1760 to 1763, it was simply Canada
1763 to 1791 - Province of Québec
1791 to 1867 - Lower Canada
1867 to present - Québec, Canada.

Thanks to Micheline MacDonald for providing this information.
Did You Know? Québec Généalogie - What is a 'dit/dite' name?  When the first settlers came to Québec from France it was a custom to add a 'dit' nickname to the surname. The English translation of 'dit' is 'said'. The Colonists of Nouvelle France added 'dit' names as distinguishers. A settler might have wanted to differentiate their family from their siblings by taking a 'dit' name that described the locale to which they had relocated. The acquiring of a 'dit' name might also be the result of a casual adoption, whereby the person wanted to honor the family who had raised them. Another reason was also to distinguish themselves by taking as a 'dit' name the town or village in France from which they originated. This custom ended around 1900 when people began using only one name, either the 'dit' nickname or their original surname.

Source: American-French Genealogical Society, Woonsocket, Rhode Island (
Pierre was a Maitre menuisier.
The menuisier, or joiner, was an artisan who built things by joining pieces of wood, particularly lighter and more ornamental work than that done by a carpenter. He was primarily responsible for the manufacture of small works, as opposed to large works. The joiner made small wooden works, furniture and other objects intended for domestic use (doors, tables, cabinets, etc.). His main tools were the plane, the galley, the grooving/plow plane, the handsaw and the mallet.

A Journey Through Sawdust and Shavings: Life as a Menuisier in 18th Century New France

Spouse(s) / Partner(s) and Child(ren) of Pierre MIVILLE dit LESUISSE


Pierre MIVILLE dit LESUISSE married Ancestor is complete!immigrant flag female ancestor Charlotte MAUGIS-- Date: abt. 1629 Place: , France
Miville dit Le Suisse, Pierre, (2) maitre-menuisier, capitaine del la cote Lauzon,de Larochelle; s 15 oct 1669, a Quebec
Maugis, Charlotte, b. 1581; s 11 oct. 1676...

Title Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours, Volume 1
Dictionnaire généalogique des familles canadiennes depuis la fondation de la colonie jusqu'à nos jours, Cyprien Tanguay
Author Cyprien Tanguay
Publisher E. Senécal, 1871
Original from Oxford University
Digitized Sep 20, 2007
Page 435

Children of Pierre MIVILLE dit LESUISSE and Charlotte MAUGIS:

flag boy ancestor Gabriel MIVILLE (b.abt. 1630, , France  d. 11 November 1635, , France)

immigrant flag female ancestor Marie-Anne MIVILLE (b.13 December 1632, Notre-Dame, Brouage, Rochefort, France  d. 5 September 1702, Québec, Canada, New France )
m. Mathieu AMYOT (AMIOT) dit VILLENEUVE 22 November 1650 in Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City)

immigrant flag male ancestor François MIVILLE dit LESUISSE (b.16 May 1634, , France  d. 23 November 1711, Rivière-Ouelle, Canada, New France )
m. Marie LANGLOIS 10 August 1660 in Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City)
m. Jeanne SAVONNET 7 November 1692 in Rivière-Ouelle, Québec, Canada (Notre-Dame-de-Liesse)

Ancestor is complete!immigrant flag female ancestor Marie-Aimee MIVILLE (b.8 December 1635, Notre Dame, Brouage, Saintes, Saintonge, France  d. 9 December 1713, Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, Canada, New France )
m. Robert GIGUERE dit DESPINS 2 July 1652 in Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City)

immigrant flag female ancestor Madeleine MIVILLE (b.18 November 1636, Notre-Dame, Brouage, Rochefort, France  d. abt. 1708, Château-Richer, Canada, New France )
m. Jean COCHON (CAUCHON) 20 November 1652 in Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City)

immigrant flag male ancestor Jacques MIVILLE dit DESCHÊNES (b.2 May 1639, St-Hilaire d'Hiers, Brouage, France  d. 27 January 1688, Rivière-Ouelle, Canada, New France )
m. Marie-Catherine DE BAILLON 12 November 1669 in Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City)

immigrant flag female ancestor Suzanne MIVILLE (b.24 January 1640, St-Hilaire, Hiers-Brouage, France  d. 29 August 1675, Saint-Pierre-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, Canada, New France)
m. Antoine PAULET 12 April 1655 in Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City)

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Exploring the Ancestry of Pierre MIVILLE dit LESUISSE: Events, Pictures, and Documents

MIVILLE, PIERRE, known as Le Suisse, master-joiner, pioneer and captain of the Lauson shore: d. 14 Oct. 1669.

Swiss by birth, Miville came to Canada via La Rochelle at a date that has not been established with certainty but that was previous to 28 Oct. 1649, on which date he, along with his son François, received from the governor, Louis d’Ailleboust, a grant of land in the seigneury of Lauson, which was later raised to the status of an arriere-fief. Miville apparently tried to entice some of his compatriots to Canada. In fact, on 16 July 1665, M. de Prouville de Tracy granted him, along with his sons and four other persons, a concession measuring 21 arpents by 40 at Grande Anse (La Pocatière), naming the locality “the Canton of the Fribourg Swiss.” This undertaking was unsuccessful. Pierre Miville stayed at Lauson until his death, 14 Oct. 1669. In France he had married Charlotte Maugis, who bore him six children at least; one of them, Jacques, was the founder of the...Read MORE...

Dictionary of Canadian Biography (
MIVILLE-DESCHÊNES - nickname given to someone who owns or lives near an oak plantation. Pierre Miville, master carpenter, was born around 1602 in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland. But he lived in Brouage, France, with his wife, Charlotte Maugis, and six children. In 1649, he went to New France and received land in the seigneury of Lauzon opposite Quebec. In 1656, he obtained the concession of a lot in the lower town, rue Saint-Pierre, at the corner of the alley leading to the Place Royale. He built a small one-storey house there, consisting of a cellar, fire chamber and attic, which was destroyed in the fire in the lower town in 1682. Pierre Miville tried to attract other Swiss to Canada and obtained at La Pocatière a concession which was called the Canton des Suisses fribourgeois: the enterprise failed. Miville died in 1669 and was buried in the first cemetery in Quebec, Côte de la Montagne. Pierre Miville would have arrived in New France towards the end of August 1649. He has six ...Read MORE...

Quebec Genealogy on Facebook
'Came to Canada via La Rochelle before October 28 1649. On that date, he, his sons and four others received a land grant in the Seigneurie of Lauson from Governor Louis D'Ailleboust. On July 16 1665, Mr. de Prouville de Tracy granted a concession at Grande Anse (La Pocatière) and named it 'the county of the Frigourg Swiss'. '

'Swiss blood runs in your veins. In fact, Pierre Miville, your ancestor, was born in 1602 at Fribourg in Switzerland. Married there in 1629, he crossed over to Canada in the spring of 1649 with his wife and six children. He received a grant of land on the coast of Lauzon across from the Plaines of Abraham, today near Patton road in the parish of Saint-David- de-l'Auberivière.

In 1669, many settlers from Fribourg obtained land grants at Grande-Anse which is today Sainte-Anne- de-la-Pocatière. Your ancestor, Pierre Miville directed them in the clearing of their farms which were named 'County of the Fribourg Swiss'. This attempt at colonization did not last...Read MORE...

1632 Birth of Child
Marie-Anne MIVILLE was born 13 December 1632, Notre-Dame, Brouage, Rochefort, France
1634 Birth of Child
François MIVILLE dit LESUISSE was born 16 May 1634, , France
1635 Death of Child
Gabriel MIVILLE died 11 November 1635, , France
1635 Birth of Child
Marie-Aimee MIVILLE was born 8 December 1635, Notre Dame, Brouage, Saintes, Saintonge, France
1636 Birth of Child
Madeleine MIVILLE was born 18 November 1636, Notre-Dame, Brouage, Rochefort, France
1639 Birth of Child
Jacques MIVILLE dit DESCHÊNES was born 2 May 1639, St-Hilaire d'Hiers, Brouage, France
1640 Birth of Child
Suzanne MIVILLE was born 24 January 1640, St-Hilaire, Hiers-Brouage, France
marriage1650 Marriage of Child
Marie-Anne MIVILLE married 22 November 1650, Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City) to Mathieu AMYOT (AMIOT) dit VILLENEUVE
marriage1652 Marriage of Child
Marie-Aimee MIVILLE married 2 July 1652, Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City) to Robert GIGUERE dit DESPINS
marriage1652 Marriage of Child
Madeleine MIVILLE married 20 November 1652, Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City) to Jean COCHON (CAUCHON)
marriage1655 Marriage of Child
Suzanne MIVILLE married 12 April 1655, Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City) to Antoine PAULET
marriage1660 Marriage of Child
François MIVILLE dit LESUISSE married 10 August 1660, Québec, Québec, Canada (Quebec City) to Marie LANGLOIS
1669 - Death
15 October 1669
Notre-Dame-de-Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Inhabitant of Lauzon
Pierre Miville dit Le Suisse Quebec Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection) (Mormon Genealogy Records).
The French In North America: 1500-1783
Added: - Updated: 2/20/2023 3:34:48 PM

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