L'Assomption, Québec, Canada (St-Pierre-du-Portage)
seigniory,, in the co. of Lachenaye, is bounded N.E. by St. Sulipice; S.W. by the S. of Lachenaye; in the rear by Kilkenny and Rawdon; in front by the St. Lawrence. It formerly formed part of the land granted, 16th April 1647, to Pierre Legardeur (vide the Title of Lachenaye); it now belongs to the heirs of the late P.R. de St. Ours, Esq., except a small portion which is the property of General Christie Burton. This fief possesses many local advantages, and a variety of soil favourable to cultivation... On the uplands, birch, beech and maple are found in great perfection, with some pine of a good growth; but in the valleys the wood is inferior. - The principal rivers by which this S. is abundantly watered are the L'Assomption, the Achigan and the St. Esprit; the upper part is intersected by some smaller streams that contribute greatly to its fertility, and are no less ornamental. The L'Assomption and Achigan may be called large rivers, but neither or them is navigable, although both are made use of to convey the timber felled in the upper parts of the adjacent seigniories and townships. The Achigan turns 2 corn-mills and 1 saw-mill...
A Topographical Dictionary of The Province of Lower Canada by Joseph Bouchette, Esq., London, 1832
Visit L'Assomption, Québec, Canada (St-Pierre-du-Portage)
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