Château-Richer, Québec, Canada (La Visitation-de-Notre-Dame de Chateau-Richer)
1832 - The Parish of Chateau Richer, Cote de Beaupre,
by regulation confirmed by a royal decree of March 3, 1722, in which it is called la Paroisse de la Visitation de Notre Dame, extends W. from the R. du Petit-Pre, which separates it from the parish of Ange Gardien, to the R. au Chien E. which divides it from the P. of Ste. Anne. It runs 2 1/ 4 l. along the shore of the St. Lawrence and comprehends the whole depth of that part of the S. In this P. are the ruins of a Franciscan monastery, built at the beginning of the last century, on a little rocky promontory on the bank of the St. Lawrence; its destruction took place at the time the British army, under General Wolfe, was encamped on the E. side of the river Montmorenci: the exterior walls and part of an adjoining tower still remain. On a rising ground, in the rear of these ruins, stands the parish church, rather a handsome structure with two spires: from this spot a wide-spreading and beautiful prospect unfolds itself, comprehending a large portion of the river, Cap Tourmente, the Island of Orleans, Cape Diamond and the intermediate scenery of well-cultivated tracts bounded by distant mountains to the N. and S. About 1/ 4 league from the church is a charming cascade on the river Sault a la Puce. - All the farms in this parish were conceded before 1759, each 3 arpents in front by 1 1/ 2 league in depth, paying a quit-rent of 20 sols for each front arpent.
Population 1037
A Topographical Dictionary of The Province of Lower Canada by Joseph Bouchette, Esq., London, 1832
Visit Château-Richer, Québec, Canada (La Visitation-de-Notre-Dame de Chateau-Richer)
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