Joliette, Québec, Canada (Industry Village) (Saint-Charles-Borromée) (Saint-Paul-de-Lavaltrie)

JOLIETTE, a county in the W. part of Quebec, bordering on the St. Lawrence, has an area of 1,708,1(33 acres. It is drained by the River L'Assomption and several smaller streams. A railway of 12 miles connects its chief town, Joliette, with a harbor on the St. Lawrence. Pop. 23,075.

JOLIETTE, or INDUSTRY VILLAGE, a flourishing town in Joliette co., Que., on the River L'Assomption, near a waterfall of considerable height, 19 miles from L'Assomption, and on the St. Lawrence and Industry railway, 12 miles from Lanoraie. It contains large grist, saw, carding and fulling mills, an extensive foundry, a tannery, two telegraph and several assurance agencies, a number of stores, a college, convent, hospital and mechanics' institute, and large quarries of limestone. It is the business centre of 30 parishes, and has a market every Saturday which is largely attended. An extensive trade is done in grain and country produce, and in pine and spruce timber. A French weekly newspaper is published in Joliette. Pop. 3,047.

Lovell's gazetteer of British North America; J. Lovell; Montreal, 1873

Visit Joliette, Québec, Canada (Industry Village) (Saint-Charles-Borromée) (Saint-Paul-de-Lavaltrie)
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Joliette, Québec, Canada (Industry Village) (Saint-Charles-Borromée) (Saint-Paul-de-Lavaltrie)

Joliette, Québec, Canada (Industry Village) (Saint-Charles-Borromée) (Saint-Paul-de-Lavaltrie)

Joliette, Québec, Canada (Industry Village) (Saint-Charles-Borromée) (Saint-Paul-de-Lavaltrie)