Varennes, Québec, Canada (Sainte-Anne-de-Varennes)
1888 - To Pray For Rain. Canadians Suffering From the Effects of a Drouth.
MONTREAL, Aug. 3 - The continual drouth in the country district has revived the project to have special services for rain in the county parishes. Varennes is going to seek the aid of the tableau of St. Anne, which is included among the miraculous relics in the chapel. About four years ago the people of Varennes sought the intervention of this miraculous tableau. The people of Vercheres, by permission, joined in the expense and ceremonial. The day came. It was clear, bright, sunny weather. There was not a cloud to be seen. All joined in the procession. The tableau was carried on the shoulders of several stalwart men, and the ceremony was most solemn, the hymns and chants being sung on the streets. It was about ten o'clock in the morning when the ceremony ended and the tableau had hardly been placed in the chapel when there came a few drops, then a shower, and finally the Vercheres people were unable to get home on account of a downpour of rain, which lasted until six o'clock that evening. It is because of this that Varennes is now awaiting for permission to make a fresh trial of the miraculous tableau. The bishop has been asked to allow another procession here and if he consents it will be held on Sunday next.
Oshkosh Daily Northwestern
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
August 3, 1888
Visit Varennes, Québec, Canada (Sainte-Anne-de-Varennes)
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