L'Assomption, Québec, Canada (St-Pierre-du-Portage)
1834 - Unusual Murder

A murder of the most barbarous nature was lately committed at L'Assomption under unusual circumstances. Two brothers, Raymond and Oliver Brien dit Dessochers were enamored of and paying their addresses at the same time to the deceased Domithile Perrault. Oliver, however, soon discovered that his brother Raymond was the favored swain, and under the influence of jealousy notified his brother, that if he married the young lady, he would not long enjoy her society. The marriage took place, and the brother has unfortunately carried his horrible threat into execution. During the evening between Saturday and Sunday he entered in the chamber of his brother, and destroyed his sister-in-law by striking her several blows on the head with an axe. The husband also received a blow from the axe on his arm. The murdere has been committed to the gaol [sic] of this city. A coroner's inquest was held on the body of the deceased, and a verdict returned that she came to her death by the blows of an axe inflicted up on her by a man suspected to be the prisoner now in custody. - Montreal Gazette.

Southern Patriot
South Carolina
April 11, 1834

Visit L'Assomption, Québec, Canada (St-Pierre-du-Portage)
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L'Assomption, Québec, Canada (St-Pierre-du-Portage)

L'Assomption, Québec, Canada (St-Pierre-du-Portage)

L'Assomption, Québec, Canada (St-Pierre-du-Portage)

L'Assomption, Québec, Canada (St-Pierre-du-Portage)