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flag  History of Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Journey back in time to Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

(North, East, West) (Teaticket) (Woods Hole) (Hatchville)

Visit Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA. Discover its history. Learn about the people who lived there through stories, old newspaper articles, pictures, postcards and ancestry.

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Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - First Post Office in Town, Built 1768

Falmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA

Fun fact: In 1837, Falmouth averaged about 50 sheep per square mile.

Falmouth includes: Teaticket, Waquoit, Wood's Hole, Acapesket, Ashumet Park, Chapaquoit, Davisville, Falmouth Heights, Hatchville, Megansett, Menauhant, Quisset, Silver Beach, and Sippewisset.

There is MUCH more to discover about Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA. Read on!

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Postcards and Memories of Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

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Falmouth Nostalgia: Vintage Photos, Ads, and Postcards

Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - First Post Office in Town, Built 1768
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

First Post Office in Town, Built 1768
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Old Mill, Built 1787, West Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Old Mill, Built 1787, West Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Bird's-Eye View of Falmouth, 1898

Historic Towns of New England. (1898). United Kingdom: G. P. Pu
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Bird's-Eye View of Falmouth, 1898

Historic Towns of New England. (1898). United Kingdom: G. P. Putnam's sons.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Shirick's Pond, 1898

Historic Towns of New England. (1898). United Kingdom: G. P. Putnam's sons.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Shirick's Pond, 1898

Historic Towns of New England. (1898). United Kingdom: G. P. Putnam's sons.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - View of Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

View of Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - The Old Sandwich Road, Teaticket, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Old Sandwich Road, Teaticket, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Main Street, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Main Street, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Main Street (1906)
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Main Street (1906)
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Craig House, Falmouth Heights, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Craig House, Falmouth Heights, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - M.E. Church
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

M.E. Church
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Long Pond, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Long Pond, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Woods Hole Yacht Club, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Woods Hole Yacht Club, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Post Office, Megansett, Mass., 1909
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Post Office, Megansett, Mass., 1909
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Grammar School
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Grammar School
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Public Library
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Public Library
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Main Street
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Main Street
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Shiverick Pond
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Shiverick Pond
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Old Tavern, No. Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Old Tavern, No. Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Vineyard Sound House, Falmouth Heights, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Vineyard Sound House, Falmouth Heights, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Dexter House, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Dexter House, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - U.S. Buoy Dock, Wood's Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

U.S. Buoy Dock, Wood's Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Little Harbor from Government St., Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Little Harbor from Government St., Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Shore at Falmouth Heights, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Shore at Falmouth Heights, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Woods Hole, Mass. Nobska Light
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Woods Hole, Mass. Nobska Light
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Quissett Harbor, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Falmouth Park Bath House and Beach
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Falmouth Park Bath House and Beach
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Terrace Gables Hotel, Falmouth Heights, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Terrace Gables Hotel, Falmouth Heights, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - U.S. Fish Commission. Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

U.S. Fish Commission. Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Grammar School, Falmouth, Cape Cod, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Grammar School, Falmouth, Cape Cod, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Entrance to Merrymount, A. S. Harrison Estate, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA
Entrance to Merrymount, A. S. Harrison Estate, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - St. Joseph's Church and Rectory, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

St. Joseph's Church and Rectory, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - High School, 1925
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

High School, 1925
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - First Congregational Church and Village Green. Falmouth.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

First Congregational Church and Village Green. Falmouth.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Bathing Beach and Casino, Falmouth Heights, Cape Cod, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Bathing Beach and Casino, Falmouth Heights, Cape Cod, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Harbor View
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Harbor View
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - St. Barnabas Church, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

St. Barnabas Church, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - St. Patrick's Church, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

St. Patrick's Church, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Bowerman House With Ship's Bottom Roof, West Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Bowerman House With Ship's Bottom Roof, West Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Main Street, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Main Street, Woods Hole, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - The Cottage Inn, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Cottage Inn, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - The Sippewissett, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Sippewissett, Falmouth, Mass.
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Cape Codder Hotel, 1944
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Cape Codder Hotel, 1944
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Aerial View, Falmouth Mass., Looking West, 1947
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Aerial View, Falmouth Mass., Looking West, 1947
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA - Main Street, Falmouth, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

Main Street, Falmouth, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Discover Falmouth: History, News, Travel, and Stories

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1839 - Falmouth
Falmouth, Massachusetts
Barnstable county. A pleasant town on Vineyard Sound. There are belonging to this town 9 whale-ships, and about 40 sail in the coasting trade and fishery. Two streams afford a water power, on which are two woolen mills and other manufactories. There are about 40 ponds in this town, some salt and some fresh:—these, with the views of the islands in the Sound, form a variety of agreeable scenery. "Wood's Hole" harbor, at the S.W. extremity of the town, is a good harbor and much frequented by vessels, and by invalids in search of health. The value of oil imported into Falmouth, the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to $146,600. The value of vessels, salt, woolen goods, boots, shoes and leather, manufactured the same year, was $58,657. Falmouth lies 71 miles S.E. by E. from Boston and 22 S.W. from Barnstable. "Woods' Hole" is 4 miles W. from the centre of the town; and "Holmes' Hole" harbor, on Martha's Vineyard, is 6 miles S. Population, 1837, 2,580.... Read MORE...

1845 - FALMOUTH. [Pop. 2,589. Inc. 1686.]
Falmouth is the southwest point of the peninsula, of which the Elizabeth Islands, now part of Dukes County, seem to have been a continuation.
The town contains a great number of ponds, and at the southwest point, on a small peninsula, is a good harbor, called Wood's Hole.

The inhabitants are somewhat extensively engaged in the whale and other fisheries, and in the manufacture of salt.

Distance from Barnstable, 22 miles; from Boston, by land, 71.
An Elementary Geography for Massachusetts Children by William Bentley Fowle and Asa Fitz, 1845
Get it HERE!
FALMOUTH, a seaport of Massachusetts, U.S., situated in Barnstable co., between Buzzard's bay and Vineyard sound, 75 m. S by E of Boston. Pop. 2,070.
A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge, Publisher A. Fullarton, 1859
Falmouth Massachusetts, 1890
Falmouth is a delightful seaboard town occupying the southwest corner of Cape Cod and of Barnstable County. Along its entire western side extends the Woods Holl Branch of the Old Colony Railroad, terminating 72 miles south of Boston. Its boundaries are Bourne and Sandwich on the north, Mashpee on the east, Vineyard Sound (here six miles wide) on the south, and Buzzard's Bay on the west. Its assessed area is 21,903 acres, including 6,202 acres of woodland. The territory extends as a peninsula at the southwest; and on a harbor at the extremity of this is Woods Holl, noted as the eastern of the two railroad connections for the Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket steamers, and as the location of the government works for fish-breeding, and as a principal government station for marine surveys and investigations. At the south-most point of this peninsula is Nobska Point and Hill, bearing its well-known light. Eastward is a fine beach, extending in a concave line to the first of three nearly... Read MORE...

1895 - Falmouth
Falmouth, a post-township of Barnstable co., Mass., is bounded on the S. by Vineyard Sound, and on the W. by Buzzard's Bay. It contains villages named Falmouth, East Falmouth, North Falmouth, West Falmouth, and Wood's Holl, and a summer resort called Falmouth Heights. It has 9 churches. The village of Falmouth is on a branch of the Old Colony Railroad, and on the sea-coast, about 22 miles E.S.E. of New Bedford. It has a national bank, a newspaper office, an academy, and several churches. Pop. in 1880,512; in 1890, about 600; of the township in 1880, 2422; in 1890, 2567.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
Massachusetts Resort Was to Have Been Auctioned to Satisfy Claims.

FALMOUTH, Mass., Aug. 7. - The Maravista Hotel, in course of construction at Falmouth Heights, was burned to the ground early to-day under mysterious circumstances.

The building was to have been sold at auction to-day to satisfy the claims of Timothy Bourne, the contractor. It was valued at $15,000, and was insured. The structure was owned by the Falmouth Land Company.
The New York Times
New York, New York
August 8, 1909
Falmouth, a post-township (town) of Barnstable co., Mass., is bounded on the S. by Vineyard Sound and on the W. by Buzzard's Bay. The village of Falmouth, a popular summer-resort, is on a branch of the New York, New Haven and Hartford R. and on the sea-coast, about 22 miles ESE. of New Bedford. It has a bank, academy, etc. Pop. about 1200 ; of the town in 1900, 3500. At Woods Hole are located a government fish-commission station and a biological laboratory and school.
Lippincotts New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World, Containing the Most Recent and Authentic Information Respecting the Countries, Cities, Towns, Resorts, Islands, Rivers, Mountains, Seas, Lakes, Etc., in Every Portion of the Globe, Part 1 Angelo Heilprin Louis Heilprin - January 1, 1916 J.B. Lippincott - Publisher
1938 - The Great New England Hurricane of 1938
CAT 3 - September 21, 1938
The Great New England Hurricane of 1938 was one of the most destructive and powerful storms ever to strike Southern New England. This system developed in the far eastern Atlantic, near the Cape Verde Islands on September 4. It made a twelve day journey across the Atlantic and up the Eastern Seaboard before crashing ashore on September 21 at Suffolk County, Long Island, then into Milford, Connecticut. The eye of the hurricane was observed in New Haven, Connecticut, 10 miles east of Milford. The center made landfall at the time of astronomical high tide, moving north at 60 mph. Unlike most storms, this hurricane did not weaken on its way toward Southern New England, due to its rapid forward speed and its track. This kept the center of the storm over the warm waters of the Gulf Stream.

...Downtown Providence, Rhode Island was submerged under a storm tide of nearly 20 feet. Sections of Falmouth and New Bedford, Massachusetts were submerged under as much as 8 ... Read MORE...

Here's a list of places to go and things to do in Falmouth:
Falmouth Beaches:

Falmouth is known for its stunning beaches. Some of the popular ones include Old Silver Beach, Surf Drive Beach, and Menauhant Beach. Relax, swim, sunbathe, or take a leisurely beach walk.

Shining Sea Bikeway:

Rent a bike and explore the Shining Sea Bikeway, a scenic 10.7-mile paved path that winds through salt marshes, woodlands, and along the coastline. It's one of the most beautiful bike rides on Cape Cod.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution:

If you're interested in marine science, visit the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. They have a small exhibit center where you can learn about oceanography and marine research.

Nobska Lighthouse:

Take a trip to Nobska Lighthouse, perched on a bluff overlooking Vineyard Sound. The views are breathtaking, and the lighthouse itself is picturesque.

Falmouth Museums on the Green:

This historical complex includes the 1790 Dr. Francis Wicks House and the Hallett Barn Visitor Center. Explore the... Read MORE...

Discover MY Roots: Falmouth Ancestry

Ancestors Who Were Born or Died in Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

We currently have information about 28 ancestors who were born or died in Falmouth.

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Ancestors Who Were Married in Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA

We currently have information about ancestors who were married in Falmouth.

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Genealogy Resources for Falmouth

Our Falmouth Gift Ideas

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Massachusetts Gift Idea - Made in MASS, Got Wicked Class - Ceramic Mug 15oz

Our 15oz Ceramic Mug is the perfect blend way to show your Massachusetts pride. Whether you're a lifelong Massachusetts resident or just passing through, you'll appreciate the "wicked class" that this mug exudes.

Massachusetts Gift t shirt Made in MASS, Got Wicked Class Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt

Are you looking for a t-shirt that's as comfortable as it is stylish? Look no further! Our Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt is the perfect blend of comfort, quality, and Massachusetts pride. Whether you're a lifelong Massachusetts resident or just passing through, you'll appreciate the "wicked class" that this shirt exudes.

Massachusetts Gifts - Cranberries, Baked Beans and Fluffernutter - I Love Massachusetts! - Ceramic Mug MA

Our Ceramic Mug, Cranberries, Baked Beans, and Fluffernutter - I Love Massachusetts! is more than just a beverage holder; it's a piece of art that celebrates the flavors and traditions of the Bay State. So whether you're sipping your morning coffee, evening tea, or a comforting cup of hot cocoa, you can do it with style and a dash of Massachusetts charm. Plus, it's a fantastic conversation starter. Imagine sharing stories about your favorite Massachusetts memories while enjoying a drink from this delightful mug.

Massachusetts Baby Gift - Bay State Baby: Made in MASS, Loved Worldwide! - Baby Short Sleeve Onesie®

Join the Bay State Baby family and let your baby's style shine with a onesie showing that your baby was made in Mass. and is loved worldwide. Because when it comes to dressing your little bundle of joy, nothing beats the perfect blend of comfort, style, and hometown pride!

Massachusetts Roots Genealogy Coffee Mug - Celebrate Your Bay State Heritage!

Show off your deep-rooted connection to the Bay State with our Massachusetts Roots Genealogy Coffee Mug! Perfect for sipping your favorite brew while tracing family history, this ceramic mug is a tribute to the rich heritage of Massachusetts.

Patriotic Memories: Memorial Day Vintage Postcard Coffee Mug

Remembering the Brave, Honoring the Fallen Celebrate the spirit of Memorial Day with this stunning ceramic coffee mug featuring vintage postcards commemorating the holiday. Perfect for honoring the brave men and women who served, this mug is both a functional keepsake and a nostalgic work of art. Whether you're sipping your morning coffee or enjoying an afternoon tea, this dishwasher-safe and microwave-friendly mug is a timeless way to show your patriotism. Ideal as a gift for veterans, history buffs, or anyone who cherishes American traditions, this mug makes Memorial Day even more meaningful.
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Updated: 2/2/2025 6:00:49 PM