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History of Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
Journey back in time to Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
(Moosup) (Wauregan) (Central Village) (Almyville) (Packerville)
Visit Plainfield, Connecticut, USA. Discover its history. Learn about the people who lived there through stories, old newspaper articles, pictures, postcards and ancestry.Plainfield Nostalgia: Vintage Photos, Ads, and Postcards
Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
Congregational Church, 1905
The First Congregational Church of Plainfield is a historic Congregational church at 519 Norwich Road in Plainfield, Connecticut. It was built in 1816, for a congregation founded in 1705. wikipedia
Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
The Plainfield Woolen Company's Mill and Office, Central Village, Conn.
The Plainfield Woolen Company is located on the south side of the town's Centre Village, on the west side of Main Street near its junction with Norwich Road. It stands on 8 acres (3.2 ha) bounded by the road and the Moosup River, historically its source of power...
The site of the mill had been used at least since 1827, when a textile mill was established there. By the later decades of the 19th century, that mill had suffered from repeated flooding and increasing competition from more efficient producers, and had failed. The size and scale of the Plainfield Woolen Company operation was larger, and was focused in the production of high end woolen fabrics for use in men's suits and coats. At its peak it employed 300 people, with the machinery mainly operated by men. The mill remained in some sort of textile production, under a series of ownership changes, until 1984. wikipedia
Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
Wauregan Mills, Wauregan, Conn.
Wauregan, which means “Pleasant Valley” in Mohegan (a native tribe in the area), began in about 1850 when Amos D. Lockwood, bought water privileges and land on the east side of the Quinebaug River in present day Plainville. The Wauregan Mills Company became well-known for their specialty cotton goods, with an emphasis on cotton flannel sheeting. The first mill building was constructed in 1853 of local stone and comprised of a singular four-story building. Within five years, Lockwood sold the mill and the surrounding land for much more than he invested to James S. Atwood, who sought to develop a “model hamlet” around the mill building which would allow factory employees to live and shop near their work...
On August 1955, torrential rains from Hurricanes Connie and Diane caused many dams along the Quinebaug River to break, including the one at Wauregan. The mill was flooded to the level of the first floor ceilings. Workers... Read MORE...
Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
Cranska Thread Mills
Floyd Cranska, of Plainfield (Moosup), is a native of Thompson and was born September 16, 1849. He is the son of James and Asenath (Randall) Cranska. He was educated in the public schools and at the age of nineteen removed to Grosvenordale, where he was engaged as an assistant station agent and postmaster of the village. Soon after he accepted a position with the Grosvenordale Mfg. Co. as head clerk and paymaster of their mills. After a faithful service of ten years, he severed his connection with this company and in January, 1880, upon purchasing the cotton mill at Moussup, formerly known as the Gladding mill, bean there the manufacture of cotton yarns for the weaving trade. Mr. Cranska made improvements in the mill, introducing machinery for the manufacture of a high grade of thread yarns. The superior quality of the production of the mill created a steady demand for its goods, and in 1886 the capacity of the mill was doubled by the... Read MORE...
Read more about Floyd CRANSKA
Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
Lawton's Mill
The complex was started in 1905 by Harold Lawton, a superintendent at the Baltic Mill complex in Sprague, and doubled in size in 1911. Originally the site of a foundry in the 19th century, Lawton's mill turned out fine combed cotton textiles, reaching a maximum capacity of 130,000 spindles and employing as many as 1,200 people. Between 1906 and 1911 Lawton built 125 Colonial Revival duplexes as housing for some of those workers. The success of the mill prompted the growth of Plainfield's commercial district, including the construction of an opera house, bank, and several large commercial blocks. The company suffered financial reverses during the Great Depression, and closed in 1936. wikipedia
Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
Bird's Eye View of Woolen Mills and Almyville, Conn.
Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
Aldrich Mfg. Co.'s Mill and Village, Moosup, Conn.
Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
Central Worsted Co., Central Village, Conn.
Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
Tillinghast Memorial, Evergreen Cemetery, Central Village, Conn.
Discover Plainfield: History, News, Travel, and Stories
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1770 - Plainfield Academy was founded in 1770, just prior to the Revolutionary War.
It’s purpose: “to provide improved facilities for the more complete education of the youth of the vicinity.” The founders, the Plainfield Academy Association, built a brick schoolhouse and organized a course of study “in the common English branches.” Town_History.html
It’s purpose: “to provide improved facilities for the more complete education of the youth of the vicinity.” The founders, the Plainfield Academy Association, built a brick schoolhouse and organized a course of study “in the common English branches.” Town_History.html
1819 - Plainfield
Plainfield, a post township, is situated in the southeastern section of the county, 41 miles east from Hartford, and 30 west from Providence; bounded on the north by Killingly, on the east by Sterling, on the south by Voluntown and Griswold, and on the west by Canterbury and Brooklyn. The township comprises an area of about 40 square miles; having a mean length from north to south of about 8 miles, and a mean breath of about 5 miles...
A Gazetteer of the States of Connecticut and Rhode-Island: Written with Care and Impartiality, from Original and Authentic Materials : Consisting of Two Parts ... with an Accurate and Improved Map of Each State Authors John Chauncey Pease, John Milton Niles Publisher W.S. Marsh, 1819
Plainfield, a post township, is situated in the southeastern section of the county, 41 miles east from Hartford, and 30 west from Providence; bounded on the north by Killingly, on the east by Sterling, on the south by Voluntown and Griswold, and on the west by Canterbury and Brooklyn. The township comprises an area of about 40 square miles; having a mean length from north to south of about 8 miles, and a mean breath of about 5 miles...
A Gazetteer of the States of Connecticut and Rhode-Island: Written with Care and Impartiality, from Original and Authentic Materials : Consisting of Two Parts ... with an Accurate and Improved Map of Each State Authors John Chauncey Pease, John Milton Niles Publisher W.S. Marsh, 1819
1825 - A gang of counterfeiters has been discovered in Plainfield, Conn., at the house of one Ezekiel Hall, who was cashier of the company.
Hall was arrested, but three or four accomplices, all of whom ahve been inmates of Newgate, escaped. Two counterfeiters, old convicts, were at the same time arrested in Voluntown, Conn.
Salem Gazette
Salem, Massachusetts
September 20, 1825
Hall was arrested, but three or four accomplices, all of whom ahve been inmates of Newgate, escaped. Two counterfeiters, old convicts, were at the same time arrested in Voluntown, Conn.
Salem Gazette
Salem, Massachusetts
September 20, 1825
1839 - Plainfield
Plainfield, Connecticut
Windham county. Mooseup river affords this town a good water power, on which, in the pleasant villages of Unionville and Centreville, are considerable manufactures of cotton and woolen goods. This town was incorporated in 1700: a part of the land is broken and stony, but in the western section there is an extensive plain of a light sandy loam, noted for its adaptation to the growth of corn and other grain.—In olden times this plain was called the Egypt of the surrounding country.
The village is on a commanding eminence, from which there is an extensive prospect, and in which is one of the best academies in the state; incorporated in 1783. It lies 41 E. from Hartford and 8 S. by E. from Brooklyn. Population, 1830, 2,290.
The New England Gazetteer containing descriptions of all the states, counties and towns in New England: also descriptions of the principal mountains, rivers lakes, capes, bays, harbors, islands and fashionable resorts within that territory. By John Hayward, author of the Columbian Traveller, Religious Creeds, &c. &c. Boston: John Hayward. Boyd & White, Concord, N.H. 1839
Plainfield, Connecticut
Windham county. Mooseup river affords this town a good water power, on which, in the pleasant villages of Unionville and Centreville, are considerable manufactures of cotton and woolen goods. This town was incorporated in 1700: a part of the land is broken and stony, but in the western section there is an extensive plain of a light sandy loam, noted for its adaptation to the growth of corn and other grain.—In olden times this plain was called the Egypt of the surrounding country.
The village is on a commanding eminence, from which there is an extensive prospect, and in which is one of the best academies in the state; incorporated in 1783. It lies 41 E. from Hartford and 8 S. by E. from Brooklyn. Population, 1830, 2,290.
The New England Gazetteer containing descriptions of all the states, counties and towns in New England: also descriptions of the principal mountains, rivers lakes, capes, bays, harbors, islands and fashionable resorts within that territory. By John Hayward, author of the Columbian Traveller, Religious Creeds, &c. &c. Boston: John Hayward. Boyd & White, Concord, N.H. 1839
1854 - Plainfield
Plainfield, a post-village in Windham co., Connecticut, on the Norwich and Worcester railroad, 45 miles E. from Hartford, contains an academy. Pop. of the township, 2732.
A New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States: Giving a Full and Comprehensive Review of the Present Condition, Industry, and Resources of the American Confederacy ... Thomas Baldwin (of Philadelphia.) Joseph Thomas January 1, 1854 Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Company 1854.
Plainfield, a post-village in Windham co., Connecticut, on the Norwich and Worcester railroad, 45 miles E. from Hartford, contains an academy. Pop. of the township, 2732.
A New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States: Giving a Full and Comprehensive Review of the Present Condition, Industry, and Resources of the American Confederacy ... Thomas Baldwin (of Philadelphia.) Joseph Thomas January 1, 1854 Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Company 1854.
1876 - Centennial Fourth Clambake
About one hundred an fifty of the patriotic citizens of Plainfield celebrated the centennial Fourth by a clambake at the old Bradford farm on Stone hill. Much additional pleasure was lent to the occasion by the performances of the Plainfield cornet band, which played ery creditably and looked very handsome in its new uniform. Among those present was Mr. Hopkins, who, although he could not quite remember any previous centennial, was, nevertheless, able to give a vigorous illustration of the method in which he handled teh drumsticks in the war of 1812. Altogther those present enjoyed themselves greatly, and they feel that much of the success of the affair is due to the hospitality of Mr. Warren Wilkinson.
Another correspondent writes: Many bitter words have been said against the "Plainfield cornet band," because they gave somewhat of a cold shoulder to the idea of maching at the head of a company of "horribles," and furnishing music therefor. But it is positively... Read MORE...
About one hundred an fifty of the patriotic citizens of Plainfield celebrated the centennial Fourth by a clambake at the old Bradford farm on Stone hill. Much additional pleasure was lent to the occasion by the performances of the Plainfield cornet band, which played ery creditably and looked very handsome in its new uniform. Among those present was Mr. Hopkins, who, although he could not quite remember any previous centennial, was, nevertheless, able to give a vigorous illustration of the method in which he handled teh drumsticks in the war of 1812. Altogther those present enjoyed themselves greatly, and they feel that much of the success of the affair is due to the hospitality of Mr. Warren Wilkinson.
Another correspondent writes: Many bitter words have been said against the "Plainfield cornet band," because they gave somewhat of a cold shoulder to the idea of maching at the head of a company of "horribles," and furnishing music therefor. But it is positively... Read MORE...
1895 - Plainfield
Plainfield, a post-village of Windham co, Conn, in Plainfield township, on the Hartford, Providence & Fishkill Railroad, at its junction with the Norwich & Worcester Railroad, 16 miles N.N.E. of Norwich, and 23 miles E. by S. of Willimantic. It contains an academy and several churches. Plainfield Junction is 1 mile from this village. The township has some manufactures of cotton goods, and contains other villages, named Moosup and Wauregan. Pop. of the township in 1880, 4020; in 1890, 4582.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
Plainfield, a post-village of Windham co, Conn, in Plainfield township, on the Hartford, Providence & Fishkill Railroad, at its junction with the Norwich & Worcester Railroad, 16 miles N.N.E. of Norwich, and 23 miles E. by S. of Willimantic. It contains an academy and several churches. Plainfield Junction is 1 mile from this village. The township has some manufactures of cotton goods, and contains other villages, named Moosup and Wauregan. Pop. of the township in 1880, 4020; in 1890, 4582.
Lippincott's Gazetteer of the World: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World Containing Notices of Over One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Places ... Joseph Thomas January 1, 1895 J.B. Lippincott
1900 - PENSIONER OF WAR OF 1812 - Death at Plainfield of Miss Emily Bennet at the Age of 88.
Plainfield, March 31 - Emily Bennett, widown of Stephen Bennett, died at her home, Black Hill, yesterday at the age of 88. She had been in feeble health for some time. Mrs. Bennett was the daughter of Stephen Morgan of Lisbon and was the last of this old family. Her children were Stephen N., Loren W., and Olive, who is the only one now living.
It is believed that Mrs. Bennett was the last of the widowed survivors entitled to a pension from the War of 1812.
New Haven Evening Register
New Haven, Connecticut
March 31, 1900
Plainfield, March 31 - Emily Bennett, widown of Stephen Bennett, died at her home, Black Hill, yesterday at the age of 88. She had been in feeble health for some time. Mrs. Bennett was the daughter of Stephen Morgan of Lisbon and was the last of this old family. Her children were Stephen N., Loren W., and Olive, who is the only one now living.
It is believed that Mrs. Bennett was the last of the widowed survivors entitled to a pension from the War of 1812.
New Haven Evening Register
New Haven, Connecticut
March 31, 1900
1900 - C. H. CHICKERING'S WIDOWS - Four Women Claim the Estate of a Plainfield (Conn.) Man.
Special to the New York Times.
NEW HAVEN, Dec. 31. - The question as to how many widows C. H. Chickering, the former proprietor of the Plainfield (Conn.) Hotel leaves is one that is likely to keep the courts busy for some time to come. Chickering was found dead in Albion yesterday, and there are thus far four claimants for his estate from women who show certificates of their marriage to him.
Chickering appeared in Plainfield last Summer and bought the hotel, and, on account of his address an popularity, soon became a leading light in the village. There was a woman with him who he said was his housekeeper. He disappeared on election day just as the Sheriff arrived to attach his person.
His housekeeper claimed to be his wife, and three days later a woman from Springfield, Mass., arrived with the same claim. It was then stated that Chickering was engaged to marry the daughter of a well-known farmer in the district.
Since then two other women have appeared in search of their... Read MORE...
Special to the New York Times.
NEW HAVEN, Dec. 31. - The question as to how many widows C. H. Chickering, the former proprietor of the Plainfield (Conn.) Hotel leaves is one that is likely to keep the courts busy for some time to come. Chickering was found dead in Albion yesterday, and there are thus far four claimants for his estate from women who show certificates of their marriage to him.
Chickering appeared in Plainfield last Summer and bought the hotel, and, on account of his address an popularity, soon became a leading light in the village. There was a woman with him who he said was his housekeeper. He disappeared on election day just as the Sheriff arrived to attach his person.
His housekeeper claimed to be his wife, and three days later a woman from Springfield, Mass., arrived with the same claim. It was then stated that Chickering was engaged to marry the daughter of a well-known farmer in the district.
Since then two other women have appeared in search of their... Read MORE...
Plainfield, a post-village of Windham Co., Conn., in Plainfield township (town), on the New York, New Haven and Hartford R., 16 miles NNE. of Norwich. It has manufactures of heaters and foundry products. The town also has manufactures of cottons and woollens, yarns, etc. Plainfield Academy is located here. The banking point is Danielson. Pop. of the town in 1900, 4821.
Lippincott's New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World, Containing the Most Recent and Authentic Information Respecting the Countries, Cities, Towns ... in Every Portion of the Globe Publisher J.B. Lippincott Company, 1906
Plainfield, a post-village of Windham Co., Conn., in Plainfield township (town), on the New York, New Haven and Hartford R., 16 miles NNE. of Norwich. It has manufactures of heaters and foundry products. The town also has manufactures of cottons and woollens, yarns, etc. Plainfield Academy is located here. The banking point is Danielson. Pop. of the town in 1900, 4821.
Lippincott's New Gazetteer: A Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer Or Geographical Dictionary of the World, Containing the Most Recent and Authentic Information Respecting the Countries, Cities, Towns ... in Every Portion of the Globe Publisher J.B. Lippincott Company, 1906
1907 - WOMEN CAUSE STRIKE - Cotton Mills in Plainfield, Conn. Practically Close Down - WOULDN'T JOIN UNION
Union Workers Demanded Girl's Discharge and the Company Promptly Refused
Plainfield, Conn., Nov. 11 - The employment of three daughters of Simon Coffee who it is said, will not join the weavers union was the cause of a strike at the Lawton Cotton mills today, about 30 hands walking out when it became known that the girls would not become affiliated with the organization to which all the other weavers belong. Nearly every department of the company's mills is affected by the strike. The girls belong to a well known and respected family here and it is stated that they have been opposed to joining unions wherever they have been employed.
It was learned to-night that the discharge of three operatives had been demanded because of their non membership in the union and that when the company officials refused to acceded to the wishes of the union operatives, the strike was called. Shortly after the union operatives went out, the three girls followed. According to the strikers out of 650... Read MORE...
Union Workers Demanded Girl's Discharge and the Company Promptly Refused
Plainfield, Conn., Nov. 11 - The employment of three daughters of Simon Coffee who it is said, will not join the weavers union was the cause of a strike at the Lawton Cotton mills today, about 30 hands walking out when it became known that the girls would not become affiliated with the organization to which all the other weavers belong. Nearly every department of the company's mills is affected by the strike. The girls belong to a well known and respected family here and it is stated that they have been opposed to joining unions wherever they have been employed.
It was learned to-night that the discharge of three operatives had been demanded because of their non membership in the union and that when the company officials refused to acceded to the wishes of the union operatives, the strike was called. Shortly after the union operatives went out, the three girls followed. According to the strikers out of 650... Read MORE...
2023 - While Plainfield may not be a bustling metropolis, it has its own unique charm and plenty of activities to offer. Here's a list to get you started:
Mooseup Valley State Park: This state park is a haven for nature lovers. You can go hiking, birdwatching, or have a peaceful picnic in this beautiful natural setting. The park also has a pond where you can do some fishing.
Quinebaug River Water Trail: If you're into kayaking or canoeing, this water trail is perfect for you. Paddle down the Quinebaug River and enjoy the serene surroundings.
Visit Historic Downtown Plainfield: Explore the quaint streets of downtown Plainfield and discover its historic buildings. You'll find some charming shops and local eateries to check out.
Sawmill Pottery: If you're feeling creative, Sawmill Pottery is a great place to spend some time. They offer pottery classes and have a lovely gallery where you can admire and purchase handmade ceramics.
Captain Daniel Packer Inne: This historic restaurant in Mystic is worth the short drive from Plainfield. It's known for its delicious seafood and charming atmosphere. The building itself has a lot of... Read MORE...
Mooseup Valley State Park: This state park is a haven for nature lovers. You can go hiking, birdwatching, or have a peaceful picnic in this beautiful natural setting. The park also has a pond where you can do some fishing.
Quinebaug River Water Trail: If you're into kayaking or canoeing, this water trail is perfect for you. Paddle down the Quinebaug River and enjoy the serene surroundings.
Visit Historic Downtown Plainfield: Explore the quaint streets of downtown Plainfield and discover its historic buildings. You'll find some charming shops and local eateries to check out.
Sawmill Pottery: If you're feeling creative, Sawmill Pottery is a great place to spend some time. They offer pottery classes and have a lovely gallery where you can admire and purchase handmade ceramics.
Captain Daniel Packer Inne: This historic restaurant in Mystic is worth the short drive from Plainfield. It's known for its delicious seafood and charming atmosphere. The building itself has a lot of... Read MORE...
Discover MY Roots: Plainfield Ancestry
Ancestors Who Were Born or Died in Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
We currently have information about 119 ancestors who were born or died in Plainfield.View Them Now (sorted by year of birth)
Ancestors Who Were Married in Plainfield, Connecticut, USA
We currently have information about ancestors who were married in Plainfield.View Them Now
Genealogy Resources for Plainfield
Our Plainfield Gift Ideas
Connecticut Gift Idea - Apizza, Burger on Toast, White Clam Pizza - I Love Connecticut! - CT Mug for Genealogists Family History
Featuring iconic local delicacies, the design of this mug captures the essence of Connecticut's food culture. It pays homage to the Apizza, a unique and mouthwatering pizza style that originated in New Haven. The legendary Louis' Lunch Burger, said to be the birthplace of the hamburger, is also prominently featured. And of course, there's a nod to the classic White Clam Pizza, a coastal favorite that's a must-try for seafood enthusiasts.
Memories of Savin Rock, Connecticut - Ceramic Postcard Mug 11oz
Introducing the Memories of Savin Rock ceramic postcard mug, a charming tribute to the iconic amusement park in Connecticut! This 11-ounce ceramic coffee mug is a delightful blend of nostalgia and functionality. Featuring a vintage-inspired design, the mug showcases iconic images and landmarks from Savin Rock amusement park, evoking fond memories of days gone by.
My Connecticut Roots Mug: Bed-and-Breakfast Enthusiast Edition - 11 oz
Start your day with a sip of history and charm from our 11 oz ceramic mug, proudly proclaiming: "My ancestors came from Connecticut, that explains a lot about my love for charming bed-and-breakfasts and discussing the nuances of colonial architecture." This delightful mug is perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life, like cozy mornings at quaint inns and lively conversations about the elegance of colonial design.
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