Visit our Château-Richer, Québec, Canada (La Visitation-de-Notre-Dame de Chateau-Richer) page!
Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.
Église de la Visitation-de-la-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie, est. 1678
179, rue de l’Église, Château-Richer, QUÉBEC
Source: Google maps
Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.
Église de la Visitation-de-la-Bienheureuse-Vierge-Marie, est. 1678
179, rue de l’Église, Château-Richer, QUÉBEC
Source: Google maps
More from Château-Richer, Québec, Canada (La Visitation-de-Notre-Dame de Chateau-Richer)
Château-Richer, Québec, Canada (La Visitation-de-Notre-Dame de Chateau-Richer)
Chateau Richer, 1787
The Seigneurial System wordpress_dlc_mu/ jeff1/ files/ 2010/ 07/ 11-CRev-Seign.pdf
Château-Richer, Québec, Canada (La Visitation-de-Notre-Dame de Chateau-Richer)
Falls of La Puce, Chateau Richer ( Quebec ) 1840
Library and Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1956-62-87
Château-Richer, Québec, Canada (La Visitation-de-Notre-Dame de Chateau-Richer)
1882 - Lucius O'Brien - Picturesque Canada (1882–84)