HELP!  male ancestor  Edward D  REYNOLDS

  (b. 9 December 1869   d. 17 June 1914 Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA )  

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Edward D REYNOLDS was born 9 December 1869

Edward D REYNOLDS was the child of ?   and   ?

Edward D REYNOLDS died 17 June 1914 in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA .

son of Owen Reynolds and Nellie

Details of the family tree of Edward appear below.

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Exploring the Ancestry of Edward D REYNOLDS: Events, Pictures, and Documents

Edward D REYNOLDS - E. D. Reynolds & Co. Dealers in Mens, Youths and Boys Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Gents Furnishing Goods. Also, Trunks, B
E. D. Reynolds & Co.
Dealers in Men's, Youths' and Boys' Ready-Made Clothing,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Gent's Furnishing Goods.
Also, Trunks, Bags, Valises and Lap Robes.
Children's Clothing a Specialty.

Hotel Block
Southbridge, Mass.

Read more about Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)
Advertisement / Article
1896 - Big Alum Lake, Sturbridge, Massachusetts

In August, 1896, George and Hannah Adams agreed to lease to Edward D. Reynolds a parcel of land along the west shore of Alum Pond for an annual fee of $10. In that same year, Reynolds obtained a building contract that approved the construction of 'a cottage, with ell, piazza, steps, etc.' that was to be completed by October for the sum of $255. E.D. Reynolds lived in Southbridge, MA, one of eight children of Owen and Nellie Reynolds. He was born 19 Dec. 1869 and died at the lake on 17 June 1914. There is no record of marriage or children.

There were only a handful of cottages on the lake when E.D. Reynolds built the house. The original cottage was named 'The Rocks' because of the prominent boulders under its porch. After the dam was built and the water level raised, these rocks became partially hidden and are now not so visible. There was a boathouse under the porch with steps leading up into the house...
Invention In 1906, Reginald Fessenden made the first AM radio broadcast on December 24th. This event marked a significant advancement in radio technology, paving the way for the modern broadcasting industry.
death1914 Death
17 June 1914
Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Fiskdale)

He died at the age of 44.

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Postcards and Memories of Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Fiskdale)

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Added: 2/27/2022 4:23:08 PM - Updated: 2/27/2022 4:23:58 PM

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